We feel the best way to connect to the life here in the Vineyard is through Community Groups. Be on the lookout as we will be adding more Winter/Spring groups in the coming weeks.
Community Groups
young adult
Young Adult Group
*This group is for college & 20 somethings. You can also follow them vineyard.cville.young.adults on Instagram.*
Leaders & Hosts: Emily & Dusty Snyder
Liturgical Prayer Group
Liturgical Prayer Group
This group will meet once a month. Each meeting they'll be diving into a different liturgical prayer.
When: 3rd Monday of each month (beginning March 17)
Host: Sam Yoder
Leaders: Sam Yoder & Ray Hollenbach
THe mays
Vineyard youth
Vineyard Youth
(Grades 6th-12th)
Leaders: Joey & Kate Hartlage
Day & Time: Wednesdays 6:30p
Location: Vineyard
No registration required
womens group: holiness
Women’s Group: Holiness
Join the Vineyard Women’s Group as we dive into the holiness of God and how to respond as women of faith.
When: Wednesday Nights at 7 PM
Where: Hollingsworth Farm
Leader: Erin Fogler
Duration: 10 Weeks starting 2/19