Community Groups

We feel the best way to connect to the life here in the Vineyard is through Community Groups. Be on the lookout as we will be adding more Winter/Spring groups in the coming weeks. 

  • young adult

    Young Adult Group

    *This group is for college & 20 somethings. You can also follow them vineyard.cville.young.adults on Instagram.*

    Leaders & Hosts: Emily & Dusty Snyder

  • Liturgical Prayer Group

    Liturgical Prayer Group

    This group will meet once a month. Each meeting they'll be diving into a different liturgical prayer.

    When: 3rd Monday of each month (beginning March 17)

    Host: Sam Yoder

    Leaders: Sam Yoder & Ray Hollenbach


  • THe mays

    Leaders & Hosts: Jon & Candy May

    Day & Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm

    *Already underway

    Register HERE

  • Vineyard youth

    Vineyard Youth

    (Grades 6th-12th)

    Leaders: Joey & Kate Hartlage

    Day & Time: Wednesdays 6:30p

    Location: Vineyard

    No registration required


  • womens group: holiness

    Women’s Group: Holiness

    Join the Vineyard Women’s Group as we dive into the holiness of God and how to respond as women of faith. 

    When: Wednesday Nights at 7 PM

    Where: Hollingsworth Farm

    Leader: Erin Fogler

    Duration: 10 Weeks starting 2/19